- 10 GB Bandwidth
- Cloud technologies with 99.99% availability
- Unlimited emails and MySQL database
- Disk space is shared between website files, databases, and all email
- Weekly backup of website files and database
- 50 GB Bandwidth
- Cloud technologies with 99.99% availability
- Unlimited emails and MySQL database
- Disk space is shared between website files, databases, and all email
- Weekly backup of website files and database
SR 1970 only - with 3 Years email service
- Domain with company name - www.CompanyName.com
- Unlimited business emails - info@CompanyName.com
- 2 Gigabyte space
- Access your email from anywhere, Webmail, Microsoft Outlook, and Mobile App
- Full screen web page to highlight your profile, services, operating hours, location, and contact information, with feedback form
- Mobile friendly design
- 100 GB Bandwidth
- Cloud technologies with 99.99% availability
- Unlimited emails and MySQL database
- Disk space is shared between website files, databases, and all email
- Weekly backup of website files and database
- 150 GB Bandwidth
- Cloud technologies with 99.99% availability
- Unlimited emails and MySQL database
- Disk space is shared between website files, databases, and all email
- Weekly backup of website files and database
برمجة تطبيقات الجوال
- 200 GB Bandwidth
- Cloud technologies with 99.99% availability
- Unlimited emails and MySQL database
- Disk space is shared between website files, databases, and all email
- Weekly backup of website files and database
- Priority email and web hosting technical support